About MsBirdBird

I'm terrible at introductions, so I'll try to make this as short as possible. No need to thank me.

I'm a recent college graduate, who's finally starting to learn to cook. At first it just started with an obsession with looking at the pretty pictures on TasteSpotting, but then I started actually clicking links and slowly started saving the recipes I saw. A lot of them had ingredients I had never even heard of. I didn't think I'd ever make any of them, but within a few days I had saved a hundred recipes. And as I looked through some of the names, I felt a little silly. Why had I saved these? I was no chef. I was most famous for cooking Hamburger Helper all through senior year of college.

And after a few days of glancing guiltily through the still-growing folder, I began to wonder how hard it could really be to cook something from it. There were some pretty simple dishes. Someone showed me A Year of Slow Cooking, and I fell in love with slow cookers. One day I caved and made her Mongolian Beef recipe. It had a ton of things I had never worked with,and some of the steps mystified me. Cover the beef in cornstarch? Why can't I just dump it in the slow cooker? It turned out deliciously.

I slowly got brave enough to cook other recipes, too. I decided I needed someone to track all of these new things, so I could look back the next time I wanted to make something and remember what exactly it was that I did, or laugh at the times I messed something up so badly that all I could do was laugh.

But that's why I started this blog, not actually any information about me. Instead of some boring paragraphs, here's a list of fifteen interesting facts about me.

  1. Despite majoring in computer science in college, I am terrible at math. I had to take Calculus II twice.
  2. I will listen to almost any type of music. And if I am alone in a car with the radio, I will sing to it.
  3. I tested as an ISFJ, but I think I may be closer to ESFJ. Don't tell Prehistoric Bird!
  4. Despite being allergic to cats, I rescued one outside my apartment in college. His name is Bailey.
  5. I have a very short temper.
  6. I accidentally hit my sister in the forehead with a golf club when I was six. She had to get six stitches, and I was inconsolable until she came home from the hospital and gave me a lollipop. I also hit a friend with a golf club in middle school, and swore to never pick one up again.
  7. I love video games, and play at least a few hours every week.
  8. I played soccer for ten years before switching to field hockey in high school. I like field hockey more now.
  9. I have a tattoo of the Hylian Shield on my right shoulder. I love Ocarina of Time more than any other game I have ever played.
  10. I am terrified of heights, and cannot watch other people handling knives or sharp objects. My friend also has a pet parakeet that scares me.
  11. I love reading, and typically read at least fifteen minutes every night before I sleep. It's usually closer to an hour.
  12. 'Bird' started out as an arbitrary nickname in high school that has somehow stuck. I've come to accept it, and sometimes I even think it's kind of cute.
  13. Since I grew up as a tomboy, my sudden interest in crochet, cross-stitching, and cooking has amused my family to no end. But they like the food so they don't tease me often.
  14. If all women are fated to become their mothers, then I could not be happier about my fate.
  15. I have never moved in my life, except the four years I lived on campus in college.